Saturday, June 2, 2012

hollow Earth

Edmund Halley, who lived in the XVII - XVIII centuries, was certain: the inner world of the living Earth is illuminated own little sun.

The phenomenon of understanding of our hollow planet would not live up to our time, if it were not so certain accumulated experimental data. For example, in autumn 1968 the American space satellite took photographs of the North Pole, and saw this huge dark spot ... However, all in order.

The scientific controversy about the hollowness of Earth broke once in the U.S.. In 1818, congressmen, presidents of universities and prominent scientists have received a letter of unusual content. Its author was John Clive Simms, a former captain of Infantry, Missouri. ... I declare that the Earth is hollow and inhabited within the. It contains a number of hard spheres, concentric, lying in one another, and has holes at the poles. I am willing to bet your life for the truth of this and propose to explore this cavity, if the world will agree to help me in this venture. I need one hundred brave companions, to speak from Siberia in the late summer with a reindeer sleigh over the ice of the North Sea. I promise that we will find the warm and rich land, abundant in minerals and animals, and can be, and the people as soon as we pass 82 degrees north latitude. The next spring we will return. ... A brave captain was denied funding, but seriously consider his hypothesis about the ... Simms on the theory, the Earth is divided into five areas, all of which are inhabited. Moreover, the residents of each area are free to move, to travel through the neighboring holes at the poles. Simms, making a small model of the globe, traveling the country and lectured. After his death, it continued to son.

Sown seeds sprouted through the years. In different parts of the world there were researchers who developed these sensational views. For example, one American - Cyrus Theed concluded that humanity does not live outside, but. within the earth's surface. And founded a new religious doctrine, which is called koreyshizmom ( korehizmom ). Then, an interesting hypothesis raised in 1906 by William Reed, wrote the book ... He said: ... On your question of how we have proof that the Earth is unpolarized, the author says, ... On the contrary, everything indicates that it is hollow ...

In the spring of 1942 was equipped secret German expedition to the Baltic island of Ruegen, which approved the Nazi leadership. Among its members were the best experts in radar. They led Dr. Heinz Fischer, known for his work on infrared. Taken with the most sensitive points of the German defense radars were brought to the island and sent into the sky at an angle of 45 degrees. Why not? . Bender founded the movement ...

German expedition had proved a ... And at the same time to obtain an image of English fleet anchored in Scapa Flow, the naval base. This gamble failed, and the unfortunate Bender upekli some time in a concentration camp, where he died. Much ink has been covered with writing in connection with flights to both poles of the American Richard Byrd. In January 1956 the media reported that his expedition was able to reach the site, located at 2300 miles to the South Pole. Bird allegedly made ​​a cryptic statement: ... This land - the center of what is called the Great Unknown. ...
Meanwhile, the UFO began to believe that UFOs are likely to emerge from the bowels of the earth. It is no accident, they say, ... For example, Lepoer Brinsley Trench wrote the book ... The author has agreed to the fact that the underground residents may already be busy preparing a military operation against the land of peace.

The famous photograph depicting the hole at the North Pole, which was made by an American artificial satellite, ... And concluded: Hole in the photo - is not nothing but a hole that leads into the inner world of our planet: there lives a civilization unknown to us, by giving the UFOs themselves felt. And about the expeditions of Byrd's journal said traveler discovered in Antarctica is a large underground passage and flew his plane did not just anywhere, but to the very center of the Earth. Later it was proved that the statement was fabricated: Byrd said was an unknown area, icy wilderness that surrounds the South Pole, to which was hard to get.

The expeditions that test the hypothesis of a hollow Earth, and later arranged. For example, in 1976 the U.S. military investigated the extensive network of mysterious tunnels, which, as expected, passes under the entire mountain range of the Andes, and tried to find the ... But all these companies have not confirmed the hypothesis. Strangely, with all that popular, for example, fabricated book Lobsang Rampa psevdolamy - Englishman Cyril Henry Hoskins. He writes, in particular, that in Tibet there are tunnels that go deep into the earth, through which on can travel to the center of the Earth and meet with representatives of domestic civilization. As people came out and talked with senior lamas. What is the Northern Lights - is the internal reflections of the sun. With all the earth pyramids are connected to the inner world and are used as beacons, sending signals to the spacecraft.

Let's return to space to the image and a dark spot on it, which is passed off as a ... Scientists have shown that this is the result of inclination of the planet relative to the sun, and the application of the method ...

Modern geophysics established: the uppermost layer of the planet - the Earth's crust - has a thickness of 35 to 70 kilometers under the continents and 5 - 10 km beneath the oceans. Below is a mantle ( a thickness of about 2900 km ) and is located in the center of the earth's core radius of about 3500 km. In the direction toward the center of our planet's temperature and pressure increase, reaching the middle of the nucleus, respectively, of about 5000 degrees and 3.6 million atmospheres. Even if we assume that the earth's core is empty or filled with gas, it will be compressed to a density of about 16 g/cm3.
Author: Konstantin Stolyarchuk.

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News from Skypecine. com.

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