Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We go to football in Helsinki ( Russia - Finland)

The forum ... in Helsinki ( Finland).

This post is addressed first of all to my readers from Murmansk m. to. plan to travel by car. Currently there are 2-3 more free space.

And now more about what you are required to:.

  • will.

  • Valid passport.

  • The Schengen visa ( issued within 14 days).

  • Money for tickets from 40-120 euros.

  • The money for the fare (drop in gasoline). Around 60 euros per passenger.

  • Money for the night (40-60 Euro per night ).

  • Money for meals ( on request ).

Indicative budget for the most immodest ( max ) estimations 15,000 rubles. person. If the desire is not fell off, then wait for your data ( number, series and date of issue of passport, name, contact information and a little about yourself if you plan to travel with me in one machine. ;-). ) On the e-mail:.

in the subject line write:. Football, Helsinki, June 10, 2009.

The data needed to process applications for tickets.

Plan to send a request April 27.

All updates and new infa will be in this post and marked. UPD.

If you have questions or need assistance (other than financial) write in comments.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Google Maps for mobile inflicted building plans

company. Google. updated its mobile Google Maps application for the Android operating system. This was reported in the official Google blog.
In Version 6. 0 now has a ' Fire Protection ' (Floor Plan). It helps users to navigate within the public buildings. Currently available on Google Maps plans several shopping centers and airports in the U.S. and Japan - in particular, stores IKEA, department stores Macy's, Chicago's airports, San Francisco and Atlanta and airport Narita prefecture in Japan.

Looking at the plan, the user can determine how to get to some point inside the building - for example, to the toilet, store ( in the case of a shopping center ) or at the airport terminal. The program calculates which part of the building the user is currently. If, for example, he goes to another floor, the plan will be updated on the screen.

Google plans to continually update the database and included in her plans for buildings in different parts of the world. Business owners get their own company offers a plan of the building to the database by using this link.

In previous versions of Google Maps for Android at number 5. 7 appear ' offline mode ', which allowed to work with maps without Internet access. The required land area, it should be loaded into the memory of the smartphone or tablet before.

Source:. lenta. ru.

Ukrainian silicon - To be or not to be?

The program is scheduled to perform in two stages.

The first stage would be:.

- Create the production of silicon in rudotermicheskih furnaces with high-quality domestic raw materials, feed and enriched directly in the field of mining and subsequent transformation of it into the chlorine-containing compounds;.

- Develop and implement a new selective recovery of silicon with hydrogen technology, which will provide a pure polycrystalline silicon semiconductor or solar grade. Pure polycrystalline silicon thus obtained has a cost of $ 30-40 per kilogram, while its market price exceeds the cost of a few times;.

- Carry out further in-depth processing of pure silicon single crystals by growing multicrystalline ingots and melt on the newest technology with the use of induction melting in the sectional molds and the simultaneous firing outside.

In the second phase is planned to provide the intensive development of the industry through the introduction of nanotechnology, the use of plasma processes in the direct reduction of silicon. An integrated approach will help address the shortage of pure silicon in the manufacture of solar modules with a high ( 26% ) efficiency for solar energy converters.

Further reduction of the cost of pure silicon by 30-35% will be achieved by recycling waste electronics industry and the development and introduction of new equipment for the recycling of up to 90% of waste.

Funding Program is planned to be at the expense of investment, the state budget funds, own funds of enterprises. The total funding required for implementation of the program is 2.75 billion. UAH, out of which not more than 7 % - of the State Budget.

The state budget will be sent exclusively to carry out scientific and technological activities, direction and funding are determined by the Program.

The amount of funding programs at the expense of state budget will be determined annually based on the capabilities of the State Budget within the prescribed National Academy of Sciences of costs and taking into account the results of completed tasks.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

We need your help

Details in the diary. have Bournisien. And now he is still my 100WMZ. The money is needed until April 3.

Even if you do not have money, maybe that's your census in my blog will help the child survive.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The new inter-regional medical center built in Yaroslavl

The Governor of the Yaroslavl region, Anatoly Lisitsyn said will soon appear strong inter-regional trauma center, designed for ten thousand operations a year. To do this, we have the necessary base - strong Traumatology Hospital Emergency Care. Soloviev, Medical Academy, airport, developed road and rail line.

As stressed by the head of the region, inter-regional medical center in Yaroslavl, will work on the most advanced technology and serve the population of several regions of Central Russia. The project will cost about 2 billion rubles. It will be implemented on the principles of co-financing from the federal, regional and local budgets.

' One of the main priorities of the national project ' Health ' is the provision of high-tech health interventions that are complex and costly. It is essential that everyone in need of such operations had an opportunity for qualified medical care ... Lisitsyn.

Within two years, planned to build 10-15 large medical centers in Russian regions. In 2006, 12.6 billion rubles will be allocated for the construction of the new federal medical centers and inter-. They will be equipped with modern equipment, and carry not less than 10 thousand. operations per year. As a result, the number of complex operations carried out in 2006 should increase by a factor of 2 compared with the current year, and in 2007 - 3 times. Operations centers will be provided free of charge.

http://pbuilder. ru/news-983-print. html.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

4 ways to learn the notes on the fingerboard of a guitar