Friday, May 25, 2012

Ukrainian silicon - To be or not to be?

The program is scheduled to perform in two stages.

The first stage would be:.

- Create the production of silicon in rudotermicheskih furnaces with high-quality domestic raw materials, feed and enriched directly in the field of mining and subsequent transformation of it into the chlorine-containing compounds;.

- Develop and implement a new selective recovery of silicon with hydrogen technology, which will provide a pure polycrystalline silicon semiconductor or solar grade. Pure polycrystalline silicon thus obtained has a cost of $ 30-40 per kilogram, while its market price exceeds the cost of a few times;.

- Carry out further in-depth processing of pure silicon single crystals by growing multicrystalline ingots and melt on the newest technology with the use of induction melting in the sectional molds and the simultaneous firing outside.

In the second phase is planned to provide the intensive development of the industry through the introduction of nanotechnology, the use of plasma processes in the direct reduction of silicon. An integrated approach will help address the shortage of pure silicon in the manufacture of solar modules with a high ( 26% ) efficiency for solar energy converters.

Further reduction of the cost of pure silicon by 30-35% will be achieved by recycling waste electronics industry and the development and introduction of new equipment for the recycling of up to 90% of waste.

Funding Program is planned to be at the expense of investment, the state budget funds, own funds of enterprises. The total funding required for implementation of the program is 2.75 billion. UAH, out of which not more than 7 % - of the State Budget.

The state budget will be sent exclusively to carry out scientific and technological activities, direction and funding are determined by the Program.

The amount of funding programs at the expense of state budget will be determined annually based on the capabilities of the State Budget within the prescribed National Academy of Sciences of costs and taking into account the results of completed tasks.


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