Friday, May 25, 2012

Google Maps for mobile inflicted building plans

company. Google. updated its mobile Google Maps application for the Android operating system. This was reported in the official Google blog.
In Version 6. 0 now has a ' Fire Protection ' (Floor Plan). It helps users to navigate within the public buildings. Currently available on Google Maps plans several shopping centers and airports in the U.S. and Japan - in particular, stores IKEA, department stores Macy's, Chicago's airports, San Francisco and Atlanta and airport Narita prefecture in Japan.

Looking at the plan, the user can determine how to get to some point inside the building - for example, to the toilet, store ( in the case of a shopping center ) or at the airport terminal. The program calculates which part of the building the user is currently. If, for example, he goes to another floor, the plan will be updated on the screen.

Google plans to continually update the database and included in her plans for buildings in different parts of the world. Business owners get their own company offers a plan of the building to the database by using this link.

In previous versions of Google Maps for Android at number 5. 7 appear ' offline mode ', which allowed to work with maps without Internet access. The required land area, it should be loaded into the memory of the smartphone or tablet before.

Source:. lenta. ru.

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