Tuesday, March 27, 2012

E-commerce in 25 years

PC World Web site has published a selection of the most interesting predictions for the next quarter- century. For example, it is argued that in the future to authorize purchasers of online stores will apply a retinal scan.

Forecasting technological development of civilization is engaged audience portal TechCast, consisting of hundreds of experts. On the basis of their forecasts, the system calculates the portal, when one or another technology will be used for at least 30 % of households or companies. In this case, as reported by Astera, forecast error is plus or minus 3 years.

For example, in 2010, experts expect TechCast active implementation of biometric security systems - the purchase of goods in the online stores will be possible only after the user identification by fingerprints, voice, retina or iris. This is definitely a better way than typed on the keyboard password. But quite expensive. Prediction comes true or not - see. Come soon.

Here in 2013, for example, the beginning of mass ozhidatetsya space flight on suborbital spacecraft. And in 2016 - gamers around the world will acquire holographic set-top boxes to create the effect of virtual reality. By 2019, computers will gain the intellect, and after the 2020 home robot will enter the lists of most popular products - even more relevant than a car for many households of America.

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