Thursday, March 22, 2012

Trends of Summer 2010

1) Sale of options. As I wrote a year earlier, the entry threshold rose. Whereas previously you could just make any govnosayty and half included in the index, providing a reasonable income. Now the situation has changed. T. e. govnosayty as ever fall in the index, but sites with thousands of pages are gone. I'm almost out of three or four dozen of these there are about ten others were cut on the index at times. So what to make of it became more difficult nulevok.

The most interesting in this form of earnings were old sites with an established index. Their owners and took topsape. T. e. beginner in this niche have now not only do sites and make them good quality and low ( 40-50 pages). Also, after creating a website is now necessary to look. Of course, not all that simple, but the extinction of the young sites is strongly increased, AGS finishes that killed nouindeks and the webmaster is not so much for earnings.

Conclusion: all the complicated. As a consequence, increased the threshold. And in knowledge, and using the soft. As dreamed serch, most students gone from this method. became unprofitable.

2) Context. He never recovered after the crisis. Time sensing the trend of people have sold their sites of Directors. some left. And the trend is on the decline continued. More doubtful is the difference between the rates in the direct to customers and those places these ads. Sometimes the difference is palpable without tools. In one niche ads can cost the client up to 15-20 rubles per click, but really webmaster will receive 2-3 rubles. Miracles and only.

Not surprisingly, many switched to Adsense. For all gemorrnutosti this system in Russia earn it remained almost. For example, one major site ( target highly specific to 10k/sutki ) earns about 6tys. rubles on the Directives and $ 300 for Adsense. Other ( 20k/sutki ) generally declined from the directives in connection with low bids. But not all sunshine and Adsense. Niche MFA in runet and remains unclaimed, as the costs of creating and promoting a website is rarely justified. It is better to strain to burzhunetom in terms of MFA. Interferes with Adsense and a small number of advertisers. For some niches there are almost none.

3) SMS paysite. After a wave of shit, swept by the media and the Internet, the number of careless comers, sent by sms trehsotrublevyh three consecutive reduced to a minimum. Suffered not so much the crooks of different levels, how much more or less decent services. Now send SMS - to be lohom. And on a reflexive level user to easily part with a larger sum to the card or Webmoney, than to send sms.

Subscriptions essentially the situation is not corrected. Most affiliate programs pay the big tunes at once, because the second payment, as a rule, there is no.

The last outbreak was in the sun, when there was a topic of downloading files. Download and archive password is closed. And to obtain the password necessary to send sms. And if you took the time to download, you already want to open and see what is out there. And have already sent the second to send sms. How sad then to find a solution I've found inside that says ' Eat less, you fool! '. However, there were those who just spread so soft warez.

Against the backdrop of falling earnings in these niches, affiliate began to return to the old niches such as dating. Of course, there are attempts to work with ordinary paysites - constantly emerging new. But all is not what. In addition, every two weeks, leans another affiliate, forgetting, of course, to pay compensation to its partners.

4) Manuals. At bezrybe and can nerybu cancer. From leapfrog with affiliate program most affected are those who have a lot of traffic and the need to drain away. Nowhere to drain, so why not do training. In the spring of one or the other starts to sell another topic or learning something. Of course, sooner or later, this manual is falling apart by critics and is no longer sold, but the 1-2 month sales bring 2 3tys. dollars, and in rare cases up to 10 thousand.

Given that the newcomers are constantly arriving, manuals - one of the most interesting options for earning. But still far less profitable than adverting. Therefore, once the next issue will rise, the training will be curtailed.

5) Traffic. Once all the decayed. All indications of an excess of traffic and that it simply can not merge. Trust traffic, as before, a little, but his and mine should be able to. In addition, the target rate of traffic is important training, which is not very suitable for those who work with light traffic. Therefore, rates have fallen to the traffic. What used to cost 10 bucks, now fused with difficulty for 2-3 dollars per pound, and yet to be convinced that it does not cheat. However, and convert this traffic fell. But every cloud has a silver lining - well brought up tageting. And for example, can I just buy the Kaliningrad traffic to a website.

6) Bourges. Not really been following the recent years in this segment. But as I understand from conversations friends, earnings down. One raised the 3k at the Farm in a week, now less than a thousand. Another general ceased to suffer. Recently, pharmaceutical affiliate, one after another began to open new lines of clothing and accessories. Let's see what happens.

7) Exotic. Exotic affiliate sales like the fairy tales were supplemented affiliate program selling cartoons. Cartoons miserable animations Luntik level, the plot in general any. But it's so cool to see yourself on screen. On the other hand, there is the same crap, with interest and relevance. Everything is beautiful but almost nobody wants. Approximately the same situation with the clock. Most involved the order 2.1. And the words ' just need to work better ...

In general, a negative background. The left, then right, somebody loses half of the earnings and begins to search for a different version of earnings. Or go into a depression. The prevailing trend in the earnings of the links. But not in Sapa, as before, but on birzhaz forever: miralinks, GGL, trastlink, baypost, etc.. This trend is actively supported by a large number of systems to promote: the seopultu added vebeffektor, hands, something else - I do not have time oslezhivat them, as I call it a system for the promotion of sites for beginners Bass.

Another interesting trend is likely off-line - is vspleks Offa of interest to online. More and more willing to somehow pull money from online. This, of course, portalschiki all kinds, and numerous companies, who think that the internet is sitting an infinite number of customers. Accordingly, the increased number of orders to the sites and their promotion. Hence, increased the number of studios and optimizers. Today we have signed an order for another remake of another would-be webmaster, who two months epal mosk to the customer, and then went to Moscow. We looked at the code and decided that it is better to re-do. A customer will experience. But in general, work is now missing all. And what you want!.


Good article by Fritz Morgen of. the cost of liability. And that's what the machine bought on credit money Ganin. Now he does. nyashechki. And the end of the reference in response to the link - this nichegoshny. blog for SEO and earnings. by Sawyer.

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