Thursday, March 29, 2012

Questions for the creators of fantastic worlds.

Possible errors and inaccuracies can let me know in the comments. When quoting a reference to the articles of the author and the translator is required.

The following list of questions designed to help fantasy authors who seek to create a believable campaign setting for their stories. Many of these questions may be useful or be critical for certain stories, but they are - not a panacea. If you feel that you will get benefit from it as an author, use the questions to objectively assess their own work.

Some questions include more than one subject, and were duplicated under more than one title. It should not be construed as an exhaustive and definitive list, but as a starting point with which you can create your own list of questions.

I. world.

A. basics.

a. Are the laws of nature and physics in your world of reality? .

2. This is similar to the land of the world? .

3. Are there different races of man, or nelyudskie, such as elves or gnomes? .

4. How long do people live in this world? .

5. How many people live in your world? .

6. Where does magic power: the gods, the world ' mana ' (as in ...

B. alternative worlds.

7. Is there a fantastic inhabitants of this plan ( elves, dwarves, aliens )? . n. )?.

8. As a similar history and culture of an alternative Earth with real history and culture? .

9. Is there a specific historical moments when the world is detached from ours (eg, Napoleon won at Waterloo )? .

10. If there is no specific item differences, what are the differences between the imagined and the real world? . Dr.. , But most people do not know is how and why it was kept secret?.

11. If there is magic still open, what historical events have changed, and what does not? .

C. The action takes place not on Earth.

12. As the world is different physically from the land? . Dr.. ? .

13. Are there different races of man, or nelyudskie, such as elves or gnomes? .

14. As the continents look like? .

15. How much land do have, and how many of them are inhabited?.

16. The axis tilt and orbit are the same as that of the Earth? .

II. Natural and historical features.

A. common.

17. In what geographic areas will be the story? . Dr.. in this area? . Dr.. ?.

18. If you have a fantastic race, are there any areas that they believe is rightfully their own (for example, dwarves traditionally live under the ground or in the mountains )?.

B. Climate and geography.

19. Human activities have affected the climate, nature, and m. Dr.. in different areas? .

20. How do natural features, different from the Earth (a few suns, moons, etc. Dr.. ), Affecting the climate in different areas?.

21. How much land is in the equatorial, temperate and polar zones?.

22. Where are located the main mountain ranges? .

23. If there is a fantastic creatures ( dragons, unicorns, etc. Dr.. ), How they fit into the environment? .

C. natural resources.

24. What areas - the most fertile for agriculture? .

25. What animals, birds, fish and other fauna are commonly found in this area? .

26. What natural resources, if any, have been exhausted in this area a long time ago?.

27. What resources (eg coal, oil, iron ore, gold, diamonds, limestone, and m. Dr.. ) Are abundant in this area? .

28. Could the imbalance of resources cause conflicts?.

29. What water resources are available, and what is used ( mill wheel requires the movement of water, that is, a river or stream, irrigation needs a large, reliable water source like a lake or large river, and m. Dr.. )?.

D. World History.

30. How deep into the ancient history goes, history and legends in your world? .

31. Ordinary people believe the old tales, or they reject some of them, guided by scientific knowledge (eg Troy )?.

32. How long have people lived in this world? .

33. How relevant is the culture and history of your culture and history of the world real?.

34. How did civilization began their journey? .

35. Were the nations / countries opposed to each other or the Allies, led a trade with one another?.

36. Which peoples / countries have recently been in conflict with someone? .

37. Which peoples / countries are considered the most civilized? .

38. Is there a single, generally accepted calendar ( including the measurement of time), or different countries or nations have different?.

39. How many languages ​​are there? .

40. Is there a ...

E. The history of the country / countries.

41. As far as this area is available? .

42. Why do people have settled here - have played a role of strategic location, the trade route, water transport, minerals, good agriculture, and m. Dr.. ? .

43. As developed in this country, military affairs, in comparison with other countries? .

44. Who are the competitors or enemies of this country? .

45. Who are the heroes and villains in the history of each country (such as Washington and Lincoln in the United States, Henry V of England, and m. Dr.. )? .

46. As a diverse population of this country - how many different races ( human or fantasy ), creeds, and m. Dr.. ? .

47. The population moved from rural to urban areas, from south to north, from the mountains to the coast, and m. Dr.. ? . Dr.. ?.

48. Is the magic here legally? .

49. What imports this country? .

50. Which peoples / countries / races have been in conflict in the recent past? .

51. Were the people opposed to each other or the Allies, led a trade with one another?.

52. What crops (eg potatoes, cotton, tobacco, coffee, rice, peanuts, wheat, sugarcane, and m. Dr.. )? .

53. What water resources are available, and what is used ( mill wheel requires the movement of water, that is, a river or stream, irrigation needs a large, reliable water source like a lake or large river, and m. Dr.. )?.

54. What wild animals, real or fantastic, live in this area? .

55. What wild animals, real or fantastic, there may be domesticated?.

56. How do people make a living - agriculture, fishing, trade and production? .

III. Magic and Magicians.

A. Rules of magic.

57. What things are not subject to magic? .

58. What price magicians must pay to become so - the years of study, permanent celibacy, the expense of their vitality, or memory with each spell, and m. Dr.. ? .

59. Is there a difference between miracles and magic? .

60. Where does magic power: the gods, the world ' mana ' (as in ...

61. As the magician reveals his / her magical power and strength? .


63. Is there a numerical limit on the number of magicians in the world? .

64. How long does it take to cast a spell? .

65. Can two or more of the magician to join forces to create powerful spells, or a single magic?.

66. In magic, there are adverse effects of the wizard (to become obsessed, insane, cut his life due to negligence / intent )? .

67. How much is known about the laws of nature, physics and magic? .

68. What magic is practiced discipline (eg, herbal potions, ritual magic, alchemy, demonology, necromancy, and m. Dr.. )? .

69. Certain types of magic are limited to use in the form of gender or race, or not important?.

70. The magician can ' spend ' all his / her magic, thus ceasing to be a magician? .

71. Can the magical ability to be lost? .

72. Can someone take away the ability to create a different magic? .

B. Magicians and wizards.

73. In magic, there are adverse effects of the wizard (to become obsessed, insane, cut his life due to negligence / intent )? .

74. What price magicians must pay to become so - the years of study, permanent celibacy, the expense of their vitality, or memory with each spell, and m. Dr.. ? .

75. How religion is related to magic, if it exists at all? .

76. How long does it take to learn the magical arts?.

77. Magic - it's a profession, art or just a job (and maybe slavery)? .

78. Wizards organized? .

79. Can I become a magician, or to be born with a particular gift?.

80. Different races are good, each in its kind of magic? .

81. You can earn a living, practicing magic, or you must have other sources of income?.

82. Are magicians - the force in politics, or are above it? . Dr.. )?.

83. Do I need a license for a mage? .

84. As usual, people look at the wizards? .

85. Wizards are prohibited for certain kinds of government jobs? .

86. If magic requires learning where you're going to find out about this? .

87. Is there a special language used by magicians? .

88. Magic is science or not? .

89. Magee is above or below the law? .

90. Power and influence, power and strength of the country and the ruler can be measured in the number of magicians in his army?.

91. Can two or more of the magician to join forces to create powerful spells, or a single magic?.


93. Is life a magician usually longer / shorter than average?.

94. Is there any illegal spells? .

C. Magic and Technology.

95. Is there a magical means of transportation (teleportation, magic carpets, dragons )? .

96. Are there magical means of rapid communication? .

97. Is there a magic weapon in there? .

98. Can the magic of making conventional weapons more effectively?.

99. Can spells and / or magical items used to improve production efficiency and mass production?.

100. Can spells and magic items made ​​en masse? .

D. Various issues of magic.

101. Are the laws of nature and physics in your world of reality? .

102. If there is a fantastic creatures ( dragons, unicorns, etc. Dr.. ), How they fit into the environment? . first. ).

103. How magic can be used to harm?.

104. Are there any types of illegal magic in general to resolve it?.

105. Can the magic used in the arts?.

106. In what respects to the magic of medicine?.

IV. Peoples and customs.

A. common.

107. Ordinary people believe the old tales, or they reject some of them, guided by scientific knowledge (eg Troy )?.

108. What is the quality of life for most people here?.

B. Manners.

109. Did the weather and climate on the formation of habits (eg, the afternoon siesta in hot countries )?.

110. How important are family ties? .

111. What rituals are in this culture? .

112. How to meet the new baby?.

113. How to meet a person's death or his own? .

114. Is it permissible for people to have personal weapons? .

C. food.

115. What dishes are presented on the table during the holidays?.

116. What is different from the casual dinner?.

117. What kind of table accessories, if any exist, are used in your world?.

118. Are there any means to entertain or make someone stay comfortable at the table - high chairs for dwarves, raw meat for a werewolf?.

119. Where a place of honor the head of household? .

120. What spices are used in cooking?.

D. Welcome and meeting.

121. How do people greet each other - a nod, a handshake, a gesture? .

122. Is there a difference in welcoming men and women?.

123. Is there a difference in his greeting to friends and strangers?.

E. gestures.

124. What kind of gestures and body language are different in different countries?.

125. What gestures are offensive?.

126. What kind of gestures and body movements show respect for the other person? .

F. hospitality.

127. Are there issues that should be avoided in communication, on which hung ' taboo '?.

128. That offer guests, in order to pass for polite?.

129. What are the customs associated with hospitality?.

G. ​​Languages.

130. Is there a ...

131. Is there a secret language, which are known only to priests, soldiers, members of societies?.

132. Are all men or some bilingual?.

133. Are there different languages ​​for different races?.

134. How many languages ​​are there? .

135. Are there any words that should never speak, except at certain times, in ceremonies, in certain circumstances? .

H. Ethics and Values.

136. What people swear by the obligatory oath?.

137. That people use as an abuse?.

138. What is the most desirable / valuable things in this society - gold, jewelry, drugs, money, furs, deer, etc. Dr.. ?.

139. What is unacceptable from a real society can be considered the norm in your? . Duels, drugs, homosexuality, polygamy, infanticide ).

140. What things are considered shocking in your community that are not considered to be so real - for example, reading in public places?.

141. What is the attitude of lying and truth in society?.

142. What is the relation to the property? .

143. Who is a citizen, with all its rights and privileges?.

144. Is there a group of people with limited rights in this culture?.

145. What people are outcasts of society, or recognized by the rebels?.

146. What is the ideal life to which people aspire?.

147. Who is the ' legislator ' ethics in this culture?.

I. Religion and Gods.

148. How religion is related to magic, if it exists at all? .

149. Is there any evidence of expression in your world of the gods or god-like beings? .

150. How religion is related to birth.

151. How religion relates to the death.

152. Is freedom of religion the norm? .

J. population.

153. As a diverse population of the country or region?.

154. Is immigration in developed countries or from different countries? .

155. What areas are populated by a lot, and what does not?.

V. Non-governmental organization.

A. common.

156. Do I need a license for a mage? .

157. What are the different ranks and titles, and proper forms of address to the nobility / noble people? .

158. Which professions are respected? .

159. How many classes and the classes have in this society? .

B. government.

160. Can edit mages? .

161. What is the basic management styles: the monarchy and feudalism, oligarchy, aristocracy, democracy? .

162. Who has the right to levy taxes? .

163. Power and influence, power and strength of the country and the ruler can be measured in the number of magicians in his army?.

164. Who is a citizen, with all its rights and privileges?.

165. Who will take over the job of the government if the current head of state is incapacitated? .

166. Who is responsible for protecting the head of state? .

167. Who is responsible for coining: the governor, the local barons, someone else ( the merchants' guild)?.

168. Is there an established system of education? .

169. Who can urge men to serve in the army, and how?.

C. policy.

170. Are magicians - the force in politics, or are above it? . Dr.. )?.

171. Is there tension, rivalry, or outright hostility between any of the incarnated gods? .

172. What are the main political factions at this time?.

173. What is controversial political issues in the country at the moment? .

174. Who will take over the job of the government if the current head of state is incapacitated? .

175. Are there people who have great influence on government / politics, but who do not have any official position? .

D. weapon.

176. As developed in this country, military affairs, in comparison with other countries? .

177. Is there a magic weapon in there? .

178. Magic is used primarily for intelligence gathering ( spells of invisibility, divination, and m. Dr.. ), Or there are spells that are used on the battlefield (call a demon to attack the enemy's fire storms, etc. Dr.. )?.

179. Is it permissible for people to have personal weapons? .

180. What are the main means of warfare are available (such as siege towers, catapults, cannons, bombs )?.

181. What is the level of technology in weaponry? .

182. What weapons and armor are standard for the Army? .

E. The legal system and crime.

183. Wizards are prohibited for certain kinds of government jobs? .

184. What is considered normal and legitimate way of gathering evidence and determining guilt? .

185. Is the magic way to court? .

186. Is there any illegal spells? .

187. Are there separate civil and criminal courts? .

188. What is considered a felony?.

189. Who is responsible for catching criminals?.

190. Are there lawyers and lawyers?.

191. Magee is above or below the law? .

192. Who can change the laws?.

F. External Relations.

193. Countries may have formal relations with other countries? .

194. As far as developed by the state espionage? .

195. Which countries and races are traditional allies or enemies?.

196. Can the state to influence the inter-ethnic trade?.

G. Waging war.

197. Which peoples / countries have recently been in conflict with someone? .

198. Is there a government army? .

199. Like magic effect on military strategy?.

200. Whether the country uses the services of mercenaries?.

VI. Commerce, Trade and Public Life.

A. common.

201. Which peoples / countries / races have fought in the Union, traded, or have been traditional rivals?.

202. Is there a ...

203. What imports this country? .

204. Why do people have settled here - have played a role of strategic location, the trade route, water transport, minerals, good agriculture, and m. Dr.. ? .

205. Are there unions? .

B. Business and Industry.

206. What rules, if any, the government extends to the practice of doing business? .

207. Are there any new industries? .

208. There is a merchant? . , An influential estate ).

209. What products are usually available in small markets of the city? .

210. What industries - mining, fishing, shipbuilding, timber, agriculture, etc. Dr.. - Are important, and in what areas?.

211. Is there a phenomenon of smuggling? .

C. Transport and communications.

212. What kind of pets are used to transport goods? .

213. Is there a magical means of transportation (teleportation, magic carpets, dragons )? .

214. How accessible waterways? .

215. How do people find out what's happening in the world?.

216. Wherever traveler could spend the night? .

217. Where are the large collections of books? .

D. Science and technology.

218. Is the level of technology in this society is comparable to the level of development in our world? .

219. What important inventions were created or progress has been made (the wheel, gunpowder, printing, toilets )?.

220. How much is known about the laws of nature, physics and magic? .

221. Where do scientific research and magic? .

222. In what areas can replace the magic of technology and suppress its development? .

E. medicine.

223. How much is known about the anatomy, physiology, etc. Dr.. ?.

224. Is the treatment of a magical process?.

225. Is there a reliable way of taking delivery?.

226. What treatments are available - herbal infusions, vaccinations, acupuncture, spells, etc. n. ? .

F. Arts and Entertainment.

227. What is the status for the Arts ( (dance, music, theater, etc. Dr.. ) In this society?.

228. Is there a permanent theaters and concert halls for the performing arts? .

229. What do people do at different levels of society for fun?.

230. Can the magic used in the arts?.

231. In non-human races have their own entertainment and fun?.

232. What are the standards of beauty for the people?.

G. architecture.

233. What is the most common building material? .

234. How many people usually live in a typical home? .

235. What are the differences in materials and external decoration of houses between the lower class, middle class and upper class?.

VII. daily life.

A. common.

236. How many classes and the classes have in this society? .

237. What is the luxuries - chocolate, coffee, silk, spices, toilets? .

238. How do people usually look in this area?.

239. Was removed and disposed of rubbish and waste?.

240. How do people cope with various disasters - fires, floods, tornadoes or hurricanes, blizzards, plagues, etc. Dr.. ? .

B. Fashion and clothing.

241. Is the weapon a standard part of clothing for all segments of society?.

242. Is there a universal form for people of different professions?.

243. Are there laws that determine who and what can be?.

244. As fashion is reflected in the physiology of non-human races? .

245. What are the physical characteristics of the human body is now 'in vogue '? . Dr..

C. manners.

246. What is different from the casual dinner?.

247. What are the rules of etiquette? .

248. How important are ' good manners ' in this society?.

D. education.

249. What is the cost to obtain various degrees of education?.

250. Is there an established system of education? .

251. How can I get an education? .

252. What is the literacy rate among the general population? .

253. What things are absolutely necessary knowledge to the court (poetry, language, ability, and tons of weapons. Dr.. )? .

254. If magic requires learning where you're going to find out about this? .

E. calendar.

255. Is there a single, generally accepted calendar ( including the measurement of time), or different countries or nations have different?.

256. Is there in your world everyone's holidays? .

257. Which unit is divided day?.

258. What are the months of the year? .

259. From what events people carry on their history?.

260. Are there any days that are considered ' vnegodovymi '?.

261. What are the hours? .