Saturday, April 28, 2012


Rabbits were the first animals that received a simple ...

Augmented ( extended -enriched ) reality, which is so much talk in recent years, becoming more sophisticated. Especially with this lucky rabbit: scientists have created a contact lens with embedded microscopic displays, and successfully tested their efficacy in rabbits is. Tests on human volunteers will be just the next step. Only then we can expect the use of innovations in medicine, and only in the distant future - the general public. But the dream of the possibilities to obtain additional information about the world, ...

In fact, scientists from the U.S. and Finland, workers led by Babakov Previtsom (Babak Praviz), have created something more akin to science fiction: a tiny transparent contact lens in which the integrated display, powered by energy from the external radio frequency radiation, and which focuses the image.

By the way, to focus the image precisely on the retina, the contact lens itself is made ​​in the form. Fresnel lenses. Unlike conventional lenses, they do not consist of a single piece of transparent material, and some of the concentric rings, tightly connected to each other. Such lenses are narrow and lightweight with a large angle of coverage and are often used in lighthouses, some optical instruments, and more often - for flashlights.

Energy for the work gets integrated into the transparent lens of the 5- millimeter antenna through gigahertz radio waves from an external transmitter. However, if on its own built-in lens LCD worked at a distance of 2 m from the source of radio waves, then placed into the eye of the rabbit is required to reduce the distance to a couple of inches: the transfer of energy shielded body fluids.

The main disadvantage is that the ... While that is - the only pixel that can light up or go out to an external signal. However, in this imperfect form of the system can be used in computer games, medicine, and various training and, possibly, in the fight - wherever you may need immediate notification, which is impossible to miss.

The whole system was tested on laboratory rabbits and demonstrated performance and safety. After 40 minutes of use and removal of contact lens rabbits were subjected to careful examination and found no signs of impairment.

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