Thursday, April 26, 2012

What do the Russian on the Internet?

The history of the global network has more than forty years, the Internet in Russia - a little more than ten. From the available technology and incomprehensible to many internet today stood in line with the essentials. Analyze what the Russian-speaking segment of the network - Runet - tried once again the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, which has provided the industry report, ... Status, Trends and Prospects. 2010 ... Here are the highlights of the report.


According to a study FOM ... Fall 2009 ... ( FOM study did not include people under age 18 who are among the most active users. ) In Russian cities with populations over one million people about 70 % of young people under the age of 22 years use the Internet.

The largest number of Internet users live in Russia Volga Federal District - 8.6 million (penetration 35%) in the Central Federal District (excluding Moscow ) - about 7.4 million (33%), in Moscow - 5.8 million (64% .

The most popular activity among users Runet is reading the news - 77% of the sites visited by the media. 74 % use email, 68 % - search engines, 68 % find out the weather, 46% of viewing photos and video, 44% of the download software, 41% read blogs and forums, 39% of music downloaders, 34% communicate through instant messengers (ICQ, Skype . Dr.. ).

Shopping on the web commit 20% use electronic money from 7 to 15.4 % of users, financial and banking transactions conducted online 5-12,4 %.

For comparison, overseas users often use e-mail (60 %) and are looking for information on the web (49%) and twice as less interested in news (39% ) than the daily audience Runet (70%).

Gender ratio is approximately equal to. Feature Runet for the female audience - the presence of many women's sites. In resource SmartMoney, Banki. ru, Expert. ru, Sob. ru, Gdeetotdom. Mail- ru and real estate was primarily female audience.

From news sources ladies prefer Vzglyad. ru and Dni. ru, often subscribe to a mailing list Subscribe. ru and Mail- Newsletter.

In male audience popular sports sites, which differ by age audience: Eurosport. ru, Sportbox. ru, Championat. ru for Youth, Sport-express. ru, Sovsport. Rambler- ru and Sport - for older users. In the youngest Internet users male lead MTV. ru, game sites and resources for communication.

Among the most popular sites for men - Dating 2 servers (Loveplanet. ru, Jdu. ru) and the women's magazine Tata. ru.

Depending on the age of male audience prefers to various news sites: Lenta. ru, Vesti. ru, Rambler- news for middle-aged, Rbc. ru, Vedomosti. ru, Rbcdaily. ru, Inopressa. ru and Echomsk. ru - for users of older.

Young lovers of art selected journals Xaker. ru, middle-aged - MNovosti. ru, Creep. ru, Ferra. ru, older users - Popmech. ru.

young people.

Among young people, the most active part of society enjoying the Internet, there are several groups. Two groups, totaling a little more than a quarter of young people ( 29%) can be attributed to the very best part of it. ... The group consists mainly of maturing youth.

The segment, called ... This is the ... It is not yet possess a large amount of resources, has a very active cultural consumption, but still controlled by their parents.

Approximately 10 % of new generation - a group of ... n. But this tradition in a certain way woven modern trends, which ...

The largest segment - the ... It is inert, most characterized by the absence of clear value positions. This is a group of those who have no settled opinion, but actively seeks to be ... Depending on the circumstances of this group may well drift into the other 'extreme' types.

The last segment is selected - representatives of the lower classes - called ... This group is representative of every five young people (21%). They are focused on traditional values ​​, have a small amount of resources and social capital. This group is the most holistic and homogeneous. No one (!) Of the members of this group did not use the Internet.

But if we assume that young people using the Internet, will now continue to use them in the future, then after ten years of internet penetration in the country will be at the level of 70-80 %, and the network will truly become an important communication channel.

Search Engines.

As of February of 2010, almost 62 % of users searched for information on the Internet with the help of ... ru ( search engine ...

The search market in Russia is named the fastest growing in the world - such data are presented in the study, comScore in 2009. Users almost twice as likely to have access to search engines. ... Customers are increasingly talking to ... It is noteworthy that most of these requests appear in the Monday, by the end of the week the fuse user curiosity ends. According to ...


According to ... Of these, only 10% are active - updated at least once a month. In 2008 20% of regularly updated blogs Runet, and in 2007 - 50%.

Anything in the world, according to Technorati in 2008, more than 133 million blogs - Russian -language journals are 5% mirovoi? .

The share of active blogs is reduced, the percentage of communities is slightly higher - 16%. At least once a week, only 5% of updated blogs and communities. But despite the decline in the proportion of active blogs, their absolute number in the last year has grown from 760,000 to 890,000. Seven years ago, when electronic diaries have just appeared, bloggers were few, but they wrote regularly, and many of them keep diaries so far.

In the past three years, have your diary has become fashionable. The number of bloggers has increased dramatically, but the proportion of those who write regularly, fell.

70% of all Russian-language blogs and 76% of active blogs are located on four services: LiveJournal. com, Blogs. Mail. ru, Ya. ru and LiveInternet. ru. The total number of blogs LiveInternet leader by a wide margin, but is unlikely to be the most popular: 96% of blogs out there in the past three months have not been updated.

The permanent average blogger the last two years - 22 years old Muscovite. She has 18 friends? . And uses Liveintenet or Diary. ru average? . ru or LiveJournal, perhaps with this girl did not even know - a man, and he was twenty-six years.

According LiveInternet, online diaries are actively used by different social groups, but most of all these services attract young people, especially girls.

Results of the study of the social structure of an adult audience blogs show that the diary on the Internet often are users with higher education. In addition, there is an inverse relationship between adherence to the adult user diaries and his income.

social Networks.

The largest social networking sites are Runet Odnoklassniki. ru ( 45 million users) and VKontakte. ru ( 40 million users). A marked increase in 2009 showed the social network Facebook. com, has typed at the beginning of March 747 thousand. users (of the world's 400 million users ). 54% of Runet users use social networks to communicate, 13% are looking for people, 8 % believe their entertainment, 2% do not use very. 21% of social network users visit them for more than 10 times a day, 29% come 2-4 times a day, 6 % reside on social networking sites on mobile phones. As of March 2010, 180 thousand in RuNet. users of the service of short Twitter messages. com. Back in October of 2009, there were 74 thousand. And in March of 2009 - only 7 thousand.


If at the beginning of 2009 in the domain. RU there were 1,859,777 domain names, then in 2009 in a domain. RU there were 2,547,456 second level domain names (and at the end of February 2010 - more than 2.6 million domain names). Thus, in 2009 the number of domain names in the. RU has grown by 37%, indicating that the highest growth rate among the national top-level domains (ccTLDs - country code top-level domains). At the same time the previous three years (2006-2008) showed an even more dynamic picture, namely the 61% annual growth. Thus, Russia's current 37% rate are not as impressive achievement.

Competing with Mass Media.

Every year the internet more seriously compete for audiences with more traditional media: television, radio, print media. In Moscow, according to TNS, daily audience of ... ru significantly greater than the number of channels viewers ... According to the study of POF spring, on weekdays, most Russians about the same time spend watching TV and internet access - about one hour.

Mobile Internet.

Currently undergoing explosive development of mobile internet. In Russia in 2010 was 10 million smart phones with the ... The number for the year increased by 40 percent, and most of their owners every day out with them on the Web. It was sent from mobile devices more than half the posts in the rapidly developing microblogs. In the future we can expect growth of Twitter and similar services is due to increase in the number of mobile phones with features to work with social networks. 79% percent of young people can not imagine my life without a mobile phone, while 74 % believe that their lives will change dramatically without internet.


Internet video is booming Russia. Coverage in RuNet video is from 15 million to 18 million people a month. If the last 2-3 years in RuNet was popular user videos, but this year the main trend will be a professional licensed content. Already, films, serials and TV shows a significant share views on the Internet, but the lion's share going to display this content on pirate sites.

Prepared by.
Hope Prusenkova.

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

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