Thursday, April 5, 2012

Prostitution in Russia

At the beginning of the economic crisis, analysts of the Public Institute for Social Research predicted that a sharp decline in income and unemployment will be forced to go to the panel five million Russians. Even the term came up - ... That is on the panel such Putana out once or twice a week, and at other times it is a decent woman. Its mission - to podhalturit, to smash up the salary or a job. scientists have made ​​a mistake. Research carried out this summer, the magazine ... The girls are ready to give your body, not only for cash. Fit and barter. For example going to the restaurant or a trip to Holiday.
Kept woman must always be ready for the arrival of a benefactor, even when busy with the house.

Artem Stotskaya.

The girls are ready to give your body, not only for the money, but for a campaign trip to a restaurant or on vacation.

If you ask the police authorities or officials, they will tell you that prostitution in our country because there is no law on prostitution. And if you type in the Internet search engine the word ...

Among the retouched photographs the painted dolls are recognized immediately sporadic confused. Photos made ​​amateur ...
- What is the point to spend money on the photo shoot and portfolio, if you work for a long time I'm not going - business strategy explained Evelyn. - In a hurry to rest scraped together, and all. Destiny and aspirations of girls interrupting the panel can be traced back to customer feedback on their pages.
In a short time sporadic confused formed a sort of middle class. An additional effect - ...

 Проституция в России

The director of ...

- Lack of complete dependence on trade makes them confused with the elite. They do not have some kind of immoral raid, the negative impression. An ordinary girl, a woman from next door, office, and not a prostitute. This feeling and attracts men - explains the phenomenon of the head of social rehabilitation programs prostitutokElena Fedotkina. - Danger in the other. This way of making money tightens. This can be expensive to the bottom.

Unfortunately, this is the bottom of the moral divide has been reached.
- I am shocked by what is now happening with the youth. The club, bar, on the street, you can approach any girl, invite her to have sex for money, and with a probability of 50 percent agree it is - says the owner of four porn ... - I have no one to shoot a movie. Prostitutes have always considered pornography business unprofitable. During the day of shooting I pay 300 bucks. And so they earn a couple of hours, and still skhalturyat. Yes, even would tell a young man that works in a bakery. So before I shot the girls, who were willing to make sex, but too shy to go to a brothel. They have some moral standing obstacle: a pimp, clients, fallen woman. Now all that has evaporated. To sleep for the money, do not blow on the panel, and plunge into the environment of a brothel - the sauna. The girls give birth to a page dating to social networks and are looking for there customers. Met, met, the money received, and again back to the computer. By the way, is now on the Internet thousands of Russian girls earn with the help of videostriptiza. This is analogous to sex on the phone, only via webcam. Enjoy a similar service in the main foreign. An American goes to a page Tula girl and looks in real time, as she undresses and masturbates. One minute entertainment with his card was withdrawn about $ 5. Half is a provider, a half - a lady or a guy.


The development of communications has made it possible to make any young person in prostitution, hidden or open.
- Among young people is quite normal to have any relationship with the opposite sex for material benefit, and not by the senses - wrote in his blog, St. Petersburg's prostitute under the name Irina Eduardovna. - Number of video and audio that teaches commercial approach to love, in recent years has grown so much that by the laws of dialectics into quality, and in the minds of young people moved irrevocably the idea that the right and. Call at least one youth series, wherever young people are not taught to fuck right and left, and benefit from the. Call at least one episode where the young people were taught to WORK!.

A village fool in the Pskov region watching this episode, and believes that such a life and it should be, and behaves accordingly. Television drove a much filth in the brains of our children, prostitution has become a system for which the norm.

- Norma became disordered sexual relationships where one partner in exchange for sex gets material benefit from another. Most people go to the commercial relationship is not in order to feed themselves or family - says Professor of Sociology, University of St. Petersburg Sergei Hunger. - They come to town and want to lead a luxury life. And it happened in the last six years of economic prosperity and consumer boom.

Young people do not have any qualifications and not able to earn in a tough competition, moreover, did not want to work, considering his body as the only fresh capital. And change it to the wealth. They can be any. On the Internet there are sites where the girls reported their desire to go to a restaurant.

Проституция в России стала нормой жизни

Earlier Union a rich old man and young girl looks in the eyes of the layman something indecent. In the XXI century it became the norm (the picture Basil Pukirev ... ).

But the biggest popular sites to find travel companions. A lover of travel stipulate only the direction, and further agree to all the. Find fellow traveler at any age.
However, if you do not bring their girl pulling at sea or on shopping in Europe, you can just throw it to work. Instead, again, the offer of sex.

Dozen more.

But the most motivated girls do not peddle, and labeled in the kept woman - elite barter sex. To sell yourself not to watch, but for years. Begin small: offering sexual services at any time of day and night for a safe place. More promise not to ask anything, but are willing to humbly accept gifts. Gradually try to unleash the full content. The maximum program for a girl - to become a kept rich. The most successful share the secrets of ... Their stories about the good life is impressive young girls, for whom the question ...

According to sociologists, the average age of onset of prostitution has decreased from 18 to 14 years. That is, the consumer boom of recent years has spread to a trade. A new generation of young women perceive their own body as a commodity for which you can get certain benefits, and not too straining.

We know the famous message of Hitler's German doctor. Examining stolen from the Soviet Union to Germany for girls aged 16 - 20 years old, he was shocked by the fact that 90 percent of them - the virgins. He urged the Fuehrer immediately begin peace negotiations with our country: ...

Проституция в России стала нормой жизни

Announcements from the Internet.

... Once said that he could come only on Friday. neat calf was married, working as a whore just for ice-cream. Money worked honestly in the ass does not give ...

... Subscribe all weekend. I wish to repeat this week, Oblomov. Otmazatsya session, will call again later ...

... Trained there. and said that there was a reviewer, yet the office is not covered. I understand that the boss after blowjob just could not work, sucks class, everything else is so-so, the money just trying to breed ...

Проституция в России стала нормой жизни


... Amuse and not just talk. ...

... With pleasure I'll go with you to the theater, cinema, restaurant. ...

Oh, 27 years old.
... Seeking a man, preferably a sponsor. I am an attractive, slim, adequate. Photo by e -mail in the correspondence ...

Проституция в России стала нормой жизни

Black cat, 25 years old.
... I am looking for a man who is willing to pay for the entire trip and give me a bonus for a pleasant pastime, and communication. I want to rip loose ...

Christine, 20 years.
... Sea, sun, sand, mmmm!) And we are together ). It does not matter much, most importantly away from those nasty traffic jams and mighty Russian language )) ...

Natalie, 42 years.

Elena, 56 years old.
... You pay me a visit to the sea - I make your vacation a memorable one ...

... Weekdays, 8. 30 there, 19. 00 back. I will help cheer up in the morning and relax after a day ...

Проституция в России стала нормой жизни

... Details by phone. ...

... Sexual desire in me woke up only 16, I have to know yourself and think what I like. I came to the conclusion that the rich man excite me! . Sex, I will have only 18, not before! . How did you meet with her man? .


Michael Weller, a writer:.
- According to recent sociological research, 61 percent of Russian women engaged in sex work as a second. And in the Russian consciousness, even prostitution is not considered. In your opinion, described the real picture?.

Of course, we can not believe these statistics. It is not credible, and if we do not have any real statistics, you can not make any significant generalizations. It will be allegations, calculated on the smell of fried. And the fact that morality in the country things are bad, it is no secret.

What should be aware of? .

A wicked social climate began with what the market without banks announced. That market relations, and put personal gain above all, and under the personal benefits realized two things. The first - increase the level of material. The second - the freedom to do absolutely whatever they want, if it does not hurt.

Thus, at the dawn of perestroika we were told that prostitution - it's a wonderful profession, and in general there are no prostitutes, and there are sex workers, sex-. As well as, strictly speaking, no bandits, but there are groups that provide law enforcement services. Just as there is no embezzlers, and there are businesses that are in certain respects with the law. The fact that our current situation is far more immoral than the Western European, no doubt. But all of the numbers - it is nothing more than speculation.

Проституция стала нормой жизни

Проституция в России

- We are so changed forever?.
- Nothing is Forever. Even our universe is not forever.

Anecdote to this topic.
Walking along the sidewalk Woman catching a jeep. From a window pops out and the guy has to do with oral sex.
- Fuck you! .
- And if we're going to a restaurant? . Then try an amazing dessert and drink a glass of liquor. Next we'll drop to a jewelry store, you choose a any diamond ring, and then popped in a fur salon and pick up your chinchilla coat, mittens.
-. and fapochku.